Electric Safety Certificate

As a landlord - who rents part or all of a property - you have a legal obligation to ensure the electrics are safe when your tenant moves in and remain safe the entire length of the tenancy.

A regular inspection is essential. It doesn’t have to be annually although that is recommended. And under the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994, Landlord & Tenant Act 1985 and the Housing Act 2004 you do need to ensure that each appliance provided is safe and fit for purpose with a CE marking. (It’s the manufacturer’s claim that meets all the requirements of European law.)

Why choose CNC Searches for your Electric Safety Certificate?

All our inspections are carried out by qualified electricians with several years’ experience in landlord electrical testing. Your Report can be sent to you within 2-3 days.

On average, each test only takes 45 minutes to carry out. We will then send you two copies of the Certificate: one for your tenant and a copy for your own records.

We can also arrange Electric Safety Certificate appointments via your estate agent or tenant if needed. Just let us know when you complete the form.

Need an Electric Safety Certificate?

Get A Quote Call 02086 984 742

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